September 30, 2022  •  14 Comments

This is the fun event I participate in City Daily Photo feature blog -> City Daily Photo Theme Day

For me, what relaxes me would have to be leisure travel whenever I am ever free from work. However, pandemic changes all that for many people including me. In the last three years, social distancing and the crazy lockdown allows me to learn Milkyway capture in the rural part of Victoria. 

Doing this type of photography relaxes me. Solo out in the desert or at the coast. Plenty of Zen time. 

Enjoy some of the astro-landscape photos I have in the series. They are works I have done over the past 2 years. 

S S Speke, Milky Way, Phillip IslandS S Speke, Milky Way, Phillip Island

Maldon Astro Landscape, VictoriaMaldon Astro Landscape, Victoria

Maldon astro landscape, VictoriaMaldon astro landscape, Victoria

Lake Tyrrell, AustraliaLake Tyrrell, Australia

Bendigo Chinese Shrine AstroBendigo Chinese Shrine Astro

Lake Charm, AustraliaLake Charm, Australia

Night sky at Huntly, BendigoNight sky at Huntly, Bendigo

Maldon MilkywayMaldon Milkyway

Milkyway Diamond BayMilkyway Diamond Bay

Sea Lake Art SiloSea Lake Art Silo Lake Tyrrell skyLake Tyrrell sky

Ultima nightscapeUltima nightscape

Lizard Rock, MorningtonLizard Rock, Mornington

Mungo MilkywayMungo Milkyway

Mungo MilkywayMungo Milkyway

Lake EppalockLake Eppalock Goornong, AustraliaGoornong, Australia

Mungo MilkywayMungo Milkyway

Lake TyrrellLake Tyrrell Lake Tyrrell NightscapeLake Tyrrell Nightscape

South German Mine UteSouth German Mine Ute

Metcalfe, BendigoMetcalfe, Bendigo

Lake Tyrrell MilkywayLake Tyrrell Milkyway

Happy October - I think I am switching my comfort activity to more long exposure of ocean this year!








Photo Editing Service provider(non-registered)
This is an amazing post! The tips and insights are so well articulated. The emphasis on storytelling and capturing the essence of each event is truly inspiring. Thank you for sharing such valuable advice!
Jutta K.(non-registered)
Grat shots, impressive,
I like all !
Greetings from Germany
This is a beautiful series of shots. Great colors and composition. Thank you for linking up.
beautiful starry skies
My Corner of the World(non-registered)
Wow! I love seeing each of these awesome shots! Maybe some day I will learn to do it, too.

Thanks for sharing your link at <a href="https://myworldthrumycameralens.blogspot.com/search/label/MCoW">My Corner of the World</a> this week!
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